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Calculating carbon in a tree by Forestry England


Forestry England has published an excellent fieldwork guide enabling students to calculate the carbon stored in a tree.

Following a brief introduction explaining how carbon is stored in trees, this handy fieldwork guide describes how to measure the circumference of a tree trunk to calculate dry weight and carbon content.

This simple guide can be used by students at all levels from KS3 to NEA to compare the carbon capture between tree species or between two different woodlands.

  • A carbon capture study could form a relevant, appropriate and highly accessible GCSE investigation.
  • Fieldwork involves primary data collection and simple calculations, helping to address geographical skills in GCSE specifications.
  • Fieldwork can often be conducted in the school grounds or the local area which may be an advantage if transportation is an issue.

This carbon capture fieldwork activity is one of four activities by Forestry England focused on the topic of cutting carbon emissions.

Click the link below to find out more and to access the carbon capture activity sheet.


If you’re looking for more free, curriculum-linked resources, visit Forestry England’s learning hub. Or if you’d like practical activities delivered direct to your inbox, sign up to Forestry England’s termly education newsletter and read their teachers’ blog.

About the Author

For over 100 years, we have been growing, shaping and caring for over 1,500 of our nation’s forests for the benefit and enjoyment of all, for this generation and the next. With your help and support, we care for more land and trees than any other organisation in England. Shaping landscapes for people, wildlife and timber. We’ve built over 1,800 miles of walking, running and cycling trails, supplying England’s largest amount of sustainably-sourced timber, and conserving the homes of thousands of plants and animals.




Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

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