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Implementation: an overview


The new Education Inspection Framework (EIF) and its 3Is, which was launched by Ofsted in September 2019, has been a focal point for much discussion and action within the majority of, if not all, schools this academic year.

On this page, we will explore what the second of the 3Is, namely ‘implementation’ entails.

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'Implementation' refers to 'the way in which the intended curriculum is taught and assessed' (Ofsted, 2019).


Implementation in the classroom

Whilst the EIF does not stipulate a particular geography curriculum, it does advocate that key geographical concepts and skills should be deepened and embedded over time.  Pupils should be able to demonstrate their increasing knowledge of key geographical concepts and competency using key geographical skills.  Any assessment framework in place should guide and support them in being able to do so too.


When judging the quality of curriculum 'implementation', Ofsted will seek to gain evidence from a variety of sources; discussions with Subject Leaders, teachers and pupils, alongside lesson observations and scrutiny of curriculum plans and students' work.


Geography needs to be engaging, relevant, insightful and enjoyable.  Subject Leaders need to ask themselves, and others, the following questions:


  • How does the intent for the subject help to steer teaching and assessment?
  • Why are certain teaching approaches used?  How are they appropriate for all pupils?
  • How do specific aspects, like fieldwork provision, help to develop knowledge and skills?
  • What subject and specialist pedagogical knowledge of geography do teachers have?  How are they being supported?


There are a number of ways in which geography can be made made exciting and lively; have a look at the two blogs posts below, which both provide many 'live' links to websites and resources:


According to Ofsted (2019), the below will be considered when undertaking a book scrutiny or observing lessons.


Book scrutiny research indictators:

Building on previous learning - consistent, coherent and logically sequenced knowledge devlopment.

  • Depth of coverage - suitably broad range of topics within a subject.
  • Depth of coverage - independent thinking, subject-specific concepts and connections to prior learning.
  • Pupil progress - acquisition of knowledge and understanding appropriate to starting points.
  • Practice - opportunities to revisit, deepen and solidify subject understanding and to demonstrate this.


Lesson observation research indicators:


  • Subject expertise and skills to provide learning opportunities.
  • Equality of opportunity - lesson as building block to the wider curriculum.
  • Stategies to support reading/vocabulary/numeracy.
  • Suitably demanding content.
  • Logical sequence.
  • Recall and practise previously learned skills and knowledge.
  • Assessment of the current skills and knowledge of learners.



  • Good communication skills.
  • Pupils build knowledge and make connections.
  • Relevant and appropriate resources to clarify meaning.
  • Good questioning skills and effective checks for understanding.
  • Explicit, detailed and constructive feedback.



  • Supportive classrooms focused on learning.
  • Focused classroom through high expectations for pupils.
  • Clear and consistent expectations that are understood and followed.
  • Pupils' behaviour contributes to the focus on learning.


If you are a member of the Geographical Association, then do explore the web-link below for further guidance concerning implementation at primary level:

About the Author

Emma Espley
Teacher / Consultant


Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

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